Cookie policy

Avis de non-responsabilité

This website is owned by Distriplast Flandre SA. Any access or use of this website is subject to the following terms of use (TU). Although we provide current and accurate information, we can not guarantee that all of the information contained on the website is adequate, accurate or complete. For further information and/or contact:

Distriplast Flandre SA
Z.I. de Petite Synthe BP. 20106
FR-59944 Dunkerque cedex 2
Tel. +33(0)3 28 29 24 80


All information provided on this website is for informational and educational use solely. Although we provide current and accurate information, we can not guarantee that all of the information contained on the website is adequate, accurate or complete. In no event shall Distriplast Flandre SA be liable for any damages, including indirect or incidental damages, arising out of access to, use of or inability to use this website or any errors or omissions in the content thereof. Distriplast Flandre SA disclaims all responsibility for either the content or the nature of sites of third linked to this website.


The entire content of this website is property of Distriplast Flandre SA, its affiliates and/or related companies and is subject to copyright protection. This website may not, under any circumstances and without the express written consent of Distriplast Flandre SA, be copied, reproduced or redistributed. Except as expressly provided above, you may not otherwise copy, display, download, distribute, modify, reproduce, republish or re-transmit any information, text, layout, image or documents contained in this website or any portion thereof in any electronic medium or in hard copy, or create any derivative work based on such images, text or documents.


Unless otherwise indicated all brand- and product names are legally registered trademarks and protected. They all are owned by Distriplast Flandre SA, its affiliates and/or related companies. The use of the product names and/or brand names is prohibited and may be a violation of the copyrights or trademark law.


Distriplast Flandre SA respects the privacy of all users of our website and takes care of their visitors’ personal information. Although most information on the website is available without the necessity of providing personal information it is possible that such information is requested. Any personal information provided will only be used for customer management and  to inform you about products of Distriplast Flandre SA.

All personal data received in relation to the use of the website shall be handled in accordance with the applicable legislation regarding privacy and data protection. Each user can always, at any moment, consult, correct or request to delete its personal data. For this purpose it can send an email to:

The use of cookies

During a visit to the site, cookies may be placed on the hard drive of your computer for the sole purpose of better adjusting our site to meet the needs of returning visitors. These mini files or cookies are not used to track the surfing habits of the user on other websites. Your internet browser enables you to block cookies, receive a warning when a cookie is being installed, or remove cookies from your hard drive afterwards. For more information please consult the help function of your internet browser.


This TU and your use of our website is governed solely by the French laws. Any dispute arising from the use of our website shall be brought before the competent Courts and Tribunals of Dunkerque.


If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, this provision shall be held non existent without interfering with the validity and enforceability of all other provisions. Distriplast Flandre SA reserves the right to update the TU and the content of its website at any time.


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Distriplast dans 'L'Usine Nouvelle'

Dans le cadre de son numéro spécial « Produire Durable » de septembre 2020. Distriplast met en avant ses solutions d’emballages qui sont réutilisables et recyclables.

  • Lisez l'article ici
  • Lisez le dossier entier ici